Monday, October 22, 2007

"Chillax Ms."

When I decided to get my teaching degree and brave the world of high schoolers... I felt fairly confident that I was still young enough to be able to relate to my students on their level and that I was maybe only a few cool points behind most of them. Well, I found myself sorely mistaken last week in front of 30 15 year olds. I can't even remember what we were discussing but all I know is I got flustered/frustrated, was probably trying to do 12 things at once, mustered up all my courageous coolness... and blurted out, "guys, can you please take, like, a calm down pill or something...." Immediately I heard it play back in my mind... "a calm down pill??" Seriously? Please tell me that didn't come out of my mouth. But, unfortunately, it did... and in the next second 28 of the 30 burst out laughing AT me (no, not with me) while the class clown proudly informed me that it's called a "chill pill," not a "calm down pill." Thus came the harsh realization that no, I am not "chill" and I definitely need to learn how to "chillax."

On another note, I'm home sick today for the first time this year. I went to school this morning thinking a stomach bug would pass... but it did not and an angel in the form of a substitute showed up before first period even started and relieved me of my daily saving the world duties. Aside from the occasional fearful thought for the sub, I have thoroughly enjoyed laying on my couch today and nursing myself back to physical and mental health. It's amazing what one "chillaxing" day can do for the self.


Rebecca Millwood said...

i didn't know you had a blog...thank you gmail.
love you

Amber said...

thats hilarious! i can just imagine all of the dorky things i would say.. at least they laughed at you to your face and not just behind your back when they left the room-- that fact alone puts you a little higher on the cool teacher scale.